Tex Terry, far right, alongside fellow villain Glenn Strange. Glenn became famous for his role as the monster
in the early Frankenstein movies and later was a regular on tv's Gunsmoke as Sam the bartender at the Long Branch Saloon.
Tex gave hundreds of autographs in his lifetime.
Here, cowboy pal Irene has added a photo and name cut from a magazine to her hero's signature.
Sunset Carson discovers that Tex, as the friendly bartender, isn't so friendly afterall.
At his home in Mansfield, Indiana, Tex lashes out at a brave volunteer while demonstrating his whip skills.
Looks like the end of the road for the Bad Man's trailer.
John Merton confronts Sunset Carson while holding a trigger happy Tex Terry at bay in "Oregon Trail", released in 1945.
Note that this movie is not the same as "The Oregon Trail", 1958, in which Tex's character, Brizzard, used a whip instead of a gun.
Tex, left at age 44, prepares to help Sunset Carson do gun battle in "Rio Grande Raiders"

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